Hidden Cameras
"Is Your Food Safe? Bum Steer" - CBS - 48 Hours
Footage showed the employee's fellow workers in blatant, bacteria-spreading violations of the health code. One man sharpening his knife on the boning room floor, and then, without sterilizing it or even washing the blade, using it to cut into a piece of meat. Another worker lanced an abscess on a piece of meat and then hosed the spurted pus off the table without taking any precautions to keep the ooze away from a pile of freshly cut meat stacked beside it.
"I'll Drink to That" - WBRZ-TV Baton Rouge
"America's Worst Nightmare?" - Leslie Cockburn - CBS News 60 Minutes
". . .Although we were for forbidden to film, we managed to smuggle a hidden camera into this 200acre compound belonging to the militant Islamic group called Lashkar Etiba which armed, trained and sent Islamic soldiers off to wage holy war in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya. . ."
"The Ambassador" - Mads Brügger
"CBS 5 Goes Undercover to Investigate Black Market Birth Control" - Lindsey Reiser - CBS 5
". . .Yerberias may be a great place to find natural remedies for whatever might be ailing you - maybe a stomachache or a headache. But CBS 5 News has learned some Valley yerberias are also a great place to find birth control, oftentimes brought here from Mexico.We asked for contraceptives at five yerberias in Phoenix, and got some at two of them, for about $20 each, without a prescription. . ."
"Three Pinnacol Board Members go on Luxury Company Trip" - CALL7 - ABC News Denver
". . .The video shows three Pinnacol board members Board President Gary Johnson, ethics member Debra Lovejoy and board member Ryan Hettich golfing at $495 a round, staying in rooms that the hotel says start at $695 a night and enjoying dinner and cocktail parties. Johnson brought his wife and Lovejoy was joined by her fiancée. . ."