Relevant Dissertations, Theses, and Miscellany

"The Life and Letters of Mortimer Thomson" - Fletcher Daniel Slater - Master's Thesis
". . .The articles exposing the fortune-tellers which appeared in the Tribune the previous year are the subject matter for the book, with only one additional chapter, and a conclusion. There appears, upon first examination, more dressing up of the originals than is really the case; what usually happens is that Doesticks places his thumbnail sketch of the witch's history at the first of the chapter, while in the newspaper story it usually came last. . ."
"Working Figures: Discourses of Race and Class in Nineteenth-Century Working Women's Self-Representations" - April Lidinsky - Dissertation
". . .However, what interests me here is the brief forays into journalism Beatrice Potters engaged in during the 1880s in which she does explore these alternative narratives of work, particularly her 1888 act of deliberate 'class passing,' in which she went under cover as an East End 'sweater' so she could write 'Pages from a Work-Girl's Diary' for the well-educated upper-class readers of Nineteenth Century magazine. . ."