"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram & Sun
I-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun
Sickening Story Unfolds in City's Blighted Areas
More than one million people are living in the filth and squalor of New York City's slums. The blighted areas of overcrowded, rundown homes are spreading farther and farther through the city.Although the Welfare Department spends $16 million a month to help some of these destitute families, thousands upon thousands of them are trapped in festering tenements, rooming houses and ramshackle dwellings.
II-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun
'At Home' in a Filthy Cage; Family Is Trapped in West Side's Jungle
I was sitting in a dark, flooded basement apartment in the heart of the Upper West Side "jungle" during a heavy rainstorm. Water was coming in through holes in the roof, pouring down the walls of the five-story building and forming a pool three inches deep on the wooden floor.
Editorial: "I Lived in the Slums" - Unsigned - World Telegram & Sun
Frankly, We're Shocked Too!
This is probably the first time we've ever asked our readers to refer to yesterday's paper. But we emphatically urge just that for any readers who may have missed reading the opening article in Woody Klein's "I Lived in a Slum" series.Seldom has a story revealed in such dramatic and explicit terms the atrocious conditions under which more than a million New Yorkers live. Today's article and those that will fellow present further shocking documentation of a great city's shame.
III--"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun
Tenants Battle to Survive in Lower East Side's 'Korea'
Francisco and his seven small children are trapped in a dingy, unventilated two-room flat in a cankerous community called "Korea" in the Lower East Side.Francisco was one of the first tenants I met after I became a slum dweller in that area of the city last month. My $10-a-week hole in the wall in a cheap rooming house on Forsyth St. was barren, rat infested.
IV-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun
'We Ain't Alive, Just Hangin' On'
It's almost a blessing that Old Sam can't see the squalor of the one-room dungeon where he lives with his faithful wife in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.Old Sam is blind.
VI-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun
Bugs Reign in Squalor
Twenty years ago W. 84th St. was a "good address" in a highly respectable neighborhood inhabited by successful, middle-class residents of New York City. It was clean, well-kept, a community of traditional four and five-story brownstones.But neglect, indifference and subsequent deterioration have lowered this once-select area to a hodge-podge of rooming houses and dreary apartment buildings.
VII-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun
At the End of the Road - Welfare
As part of my assignment to live in slums for a month, I wanted the experience of trying to get on relief. My role was that of an unemployed and inexperienced actor who drifted here from Los Angeles.
VIII-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun
Tenant Rights Lost in Ignorance
Most of New York City's slum dwellers live in ignorance and fear.During my "life" in the tenement jungles, I talked to scores of tenants who were completely unaware of their basic rights under housing laws. And because of this ignorance, they are exploited and housed in quarters intolerable for decent human beings.
IX-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun
Lack of Inspection Brings Squalor
In a city where Health Commissioner Leona Baumgartner says there are as many rats as people - eight million - there are only four Health Department inspectors assigned to investigate rat bites and vermin.
Reaction: "Slum Expose Loudly Praised; Aid Offered, Action Demanded" - Unsigned - World Telegram & Sun
People who knew that slum was a dirty word but who never lived in one were loud in their praise today of staff writer Woody Klein and his series of articles exposing life in New York City's teeming tenements.
X-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun
City Aids Admit Blight Is Gaining
The city administration admitted today it had failed to meet its slum problem successfully and that blighted areas were spreading faster than rehabilitation.In the wake of a series of articles portraying horrendous conditions in the city's slums, this newspaper assigned a team of reporters to ask city officials about what they intended to do about it.
XI- "Boy on the Brink" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram & Sun
Miguel is Trapped in Slum Jungle
When I went to live in the slums, one of the persons I wanted most to meet was a sensitive boy caught in the mess and misery of tenement life.