Browse Reports
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"The Abortion Profiteers" - Pamela Zekman, Pamela Warrick - Chicago Sun-Times
A five-month investigation, led by Pamela Zekman, into the Michigan Avenue "abortion profiteers," and their dangerous and unsavory, unsanitary practices, including performing the procedure regularly on women who were not pregnant.
Planned Parenthood Sting - Lila Rose and James O'Keefe
Lila Rose, with the help of James O'Keefe, has targeted Planned Parenthood for undercover video investigations multiple times, alleging that her work proves the organization's support of black genocide, tolerance of the sex slave trade, and other criminal and civil offenses.
"Infanticide" - Unsigned - Chicago Daily Times
A 25-part Chicago Daily Times series about the abortion trade in Chicago in 1888 for which two reporters posed as a couple in search of these services.