Browse Reports

Subject is exactly Ted Conover
Bly gets herself arrested to experience life for a woman in jail.

Jail Time Undercover

Reporters have worked as guards or gotten themselves arrested -- sometimes with the aid of authorities and sometimes without -- to investigate conditions inside prisons and jails.
San Francisco Chronicle article titled, "Sex Fear Among the Cons." Written by Tim Findley as part of the "Behind Prison Bars" series.

"Behind Prison Bars" - Tim Findley & Charles Howe - San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle prisons investigation involving undercover as a prisoner by Tim Findley and as a guard by Charles Howe.

"The Convicted" - R.H. Ring's and John S. Long - Arizona Daily Star

Arizona Daily Star reporter R.H. Ring spent 10 days posing as a maximum-security convict at Arizona's Florence State Penitentiary. Very few people in the prison system knew of his stay, not even Florence's warden.
The freight train Ted Conover rode for his piece, "A Morning with Pops."

Ted Conover's "Rolling Nowhere"

Conover spent four months living as a tramp, riding the rails, which ultimately became his first book, Rolling Nowhere. Research for the project began for his senior thesis, while still an undergrad at Amherst College, which has awarded him an honorary degree.