Reaction: Walter Reed - "Walter Reed Changes Planned" - Josh White and Steve Vogel - Washington Post

Nonmedical General To Be Named as Deputy Commander

Byline: Josh White, Steve Vogel; 2007-03-04; The Washington Post; pages A4

Report: Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center 2003, 2007 - Salon, The Washington Post


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A one-star general -- who has not yet been identified -- will work with Maj. Gen. Eric B. Schoomaker, a physician who was named on Friday to head Walter Reed, according to two defense officials. The new deputy will be a general who will bring a nonmedical eye to the operation to "make it run like it's supposed to run," said one Army official familiar with the decision.

Description:Two weeks after the Walter Reed scandal broke, The Washington Post reported that the Army is changing the command structure of Walter Reed, hoping to remedy bureaucratic inefficiencies. This included appointing a non-medical general officer in charge of administrative operations.

Rights: Access to online material.

Additional Media

A photo inside the Walter Reed Medical Center. Accompanying Josh White and Steve Vogel's Washington Post article, "Walter Reed Changes Planned."