IX-"The Kanaka Labour Traffic" - J.D. Melvin - The Argus

"Our Representative on a Recruiting Schooner; The Last of the 'Returns' Landed; Brisk Recruiting"

On Friday (September 22) the Helena shifted to Urassie, 11-miles northward. A comfortable anchorage was found inside long lines of reef and close to a creek, whence a supply of excellent water was obtained. Next morning a native market was held near by. From half-a-dozen islets which studded the reefs a small army of people, chiefly women, came in canoes to barter fish for yams and taro from the bush natives. 

Description:The eighth article in The Argus' series "The Kanaka Labour Traffic" by J.D. Melvin about his time spent as a crew member on the blackbirding vessel The Helena sent to recruit laborers from the the Solomon Islands.

Rights: Public domain.

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An article titled, "Our Representative on a Recruiting Schooner; The Last of the 'Returns' Landed; Brisk Recruiting." Written as part of the series "The Kanaka Labour Traffic" by J.D. Melvin.