V-Behind Prison Bars: Sex Fear Among the Cons" - Tim Findley - San Francisco Chronicle

Behind Prison Bars: Homosexual Attackers

Byline: Tim Findley, Charles Howe; 1971-03-01; San Francisco Chronicle; pages A1

Report: "Behind Prison Bars" - Tim Findley & Charles Howe - San Francisco Chronicle

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". . .Nobody knows how many overt homosexuals there are inside California's prisons - but authorities do admit that homosexuality is a dangerous problem in the society behind walls. Some prisoners choose homosexuality. But some are forced into it - victims caught between terror of other inmates and the iron code against informers. Today, Chronicle reporters Tim Findley and Charles Howe explore that dark side of life behind prisons walls, part of their candid report on their three months inside prisons. . ."

Description:This article tells the stories of Davey and Ford, two inmates in California's prison system, and their struggle to protect themselves against homosexual attackers. While one is gay and the other heterosexual, both experienced the constant terror of an impending attack and had to take extreme measures to protect themselves, sometimes risking extensions of their already lengthy sentences.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

San Francisco Chronicle article titled, "Sex Fear Among the Cons." Written by Tim Findley as part of the "Behind Prison Bars" series.