XII-"Behind Prison Bars: Why Prisoners Keep Coming Back" - Charles Howe - San Francisco Chronicle

Byline: Charles Howe; 1971-03-09; San Francisco Chronicle; pages 14

Report: "Behind Prison Bars" - Tim Findley & Charles Howe - San Francisco Chronicle

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". . .Robert Thompson, the head of Vacaville's reception center, sees the problem this way: 'These men,' he said of Fred and his comrades, 'have failed at everything they've ever done. They failed in school; at their marriages; at raising their children; in the Armed Forces. And the fact they are here indicates they failed at crime' .  . ."

Description:A second article about Vacaville Medical Facility, the first stop for California convicts, where they undergo extensive psychiatric screening before being placed in a penitentiary.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

San Francisco Chronicle article written by Charles Howe as part of the "Behind Prison Bars" series.