XIII-"Behind Prison Bars: Prison Turmoil" - Jim Brewer - San Francisco Chronicle

More Violence At Quentin -- Convict Slain

Byline: Jim Brewer; 1971-03-12; San Francisco Chronicle; 

Report: "Behind Prison Bars" - Tim Findley & Charles Howe - San Francisco Chronicle

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". . .The violence remained centered in the mammoth east block of the prison, scene of five other knifing incidents within a 24-hour period Monday and Tuesday. Despite the attacks, about 1600 men from two cell blocks were allowed out of their cells yesterday in the 3200-inmate prison, and authorities said those men would remain on an 'unlock' status unless trouble developed among them. . ."

Description:An article about the continued violence at San Quentin Prison, where one person was killed and four others injured in just a 24-hour period.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

San Francisco Chronicle article titled, "More Violence at Quentin – Convict Slain." Written by Jim Brewer as part of the "Behind Prison Bars" series.