Byline: Michael Mok; 1961-03-22; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 1
Report: "I Was a Mental Patient" - Michael Mok - New York World-Telegram & Sun
Tags: asylum, madhouse, mental hospital, patient, posed as
Then I was summoned to see my psychiatrist. Our session came about at my request because I wanted to know what the hospital was planning to do with me. This interview just lasted a few moments, in contrast to the first meeting, which was 20 minutes long. The doctor said that three courses of action were open: I might be retained at the hospital for further observation; I might be committed to a state mental hospital; or I might be released. He added that his decision would have to be backed up by the judgement of his immediate superior, whom I might see very soon.
Description:In the seventh article, Mok describes the ordeal of convincing his psychiatrist to release him from Kings County psychiatric ward.
Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.