I-"Seven Days in the Madhouse!" - Frank Smith - Chicago Daily Times

Reporter's Experience at Kankakee

Byline: Frank Smith; 1935-07-15; Chicago Daily Times; pages 1

Report: "Seven Days in the Madhouse!" - Frank Smith - Chicago Daily Times

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He shook my hand, told me to behave myself and suddenly the door was closed. Eddie was gone. I was shut off from the world. My coat and vest were removed. My pockets and bag were emptied. I was led into a combination bath room and barber shop. Orders were given to take off my clothes. I was to have a bath and be put to bed. Feigns Violence with Success Mentally I reviewed what I had heard of the "hydro" department. That's where they take care of violent patients. That was what I had to see to make my investigation thorough. It seemed I'd have to be more violent than just obstinate to get into the "hydro." I became more violent. 

Description:This is the first article in the "Seven Days in the Madhouse!" series by Chicago Daily Times reporter Frank Smith. In it, Smith describes how he gained admittance to the hospital and how he pretended to be violent in order to experience "hydrotherapy."

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Daily Times article titled, "Reporter's Experience at Kankakee." Written by Frank Smith as part of his series, "Seven Days in the Madhouse!"