X-"Seven Days in the Madhouse!" - Frank Smith - Chicago Daily Times

Freedom! Reporter Leaves Kankakee

Byline: Frank Smith; 1935-07-26; Chicago Daily Times; pages 3

Report: "Seven Days in the Madhouse!" - Frank Smith - Chicago Daily Times

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". . .'Johnny Ford, there's a visitor to see you.' Attendant 'Denny' Dennison's voice awakened me from my melancholy reveries. I hurried to the visitor's room and found Willis O'Rourke, Daily Times reporter, my quondam brother 'Edward C. Ford,' awaiting me in the doorway. 'Hello, Johnny,' he greeted me. Then after we were alone he looked at my sagging waistline and whistled. 'What the hell are you doing, dieting?' (I lost eight pounds during my week in the madhouse.) 'Yes,' I answered. 'I'm saving up for the juiciest steak I can order, chargeable to the expense account. How about getting me out of this joint?' . . ." 

Description:In the tenth and final story about his week spent undercover at Illinois' Kankakee psychiatric hospital, Frank Smith goes through the process of getting released and butts heads with his psychiatrist Dr. Sullivan, who wants him to stay longer.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Daily Times article titled, "Freedom! Reporter Leaves Kankakee."Written by Frank Smith as part of his series, "Seven Days in the Madhouse!"