I-"County Jails Exposed -- Story of Cruelty, Filth" - Pierre Salinger - San Francisco Chronicle

Exclusive: Inside California's Jails. Brutality ... Crowded Cells. Chronicle Reporter Does Time: Shocking Account

Byline: Pierre Salinger; 1953-01-26; San Francisco Chronicle; pages 1

Report: California Jails Expose - Pierre Salinger - San Francisco Chronicle

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"I heard a heavy jail door clang behind my back two weeks ago. A Stockton policeman firmly led me by the arm to a battered desk. An inmate trusty looked at me unsmilingly and said: 'Empty your pockets on the desk' . . ."

Description:J.D. Salinger's first article for the San Francisco Chronicle about his time spent undercover in 2 California jails.

Rights: Public domain.

Additional Media

San Francisco Chronicle article titled, "County Jails Exposed -- Story of Cruelty, Filth." Written by Pierre Salinger.