Byline: Ed May; 1960-06-08; Buffalo Evening News;
Report: "Our Costly Dilemma" - Edgar (Ed) May - Buffalo Evening News
Tags: clerk, county welfare, Pulitzer, worked as
"If I had the time I could close 20% to 30% of my cases."This statement by a caseworker in the Erie County Department of Social Welfare focuses on one of the major welfare problems. It means that one caseworker, giving away between $15,000 and $18,000 a month, could come up with a possible saving of $30,000 in one year - if he had the time.
Description:Editor's note: This series of articles on public welfare follows six months of research and study by the staff of The News, including service by a reporter as a caseworker for the Erie County Department of Social Welfare. The welfare problem, not confined to Erie County, is growing more costly each year. This series, spotlighting the system, is intended as an aid to the many dedicated persons who are struggling to confine welfare to the needy and thus benefit the tax payer.
Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.