VI-"Our Costly Dilemma" - Ed [Edgar] May - Buffalo Evening News

Storm Center of Relief: Dependent Children's Aid

Byline: Ed May; 1960-06-13; Buffalo Evening News; 

Report: "Our Costly Dilemma" - Edgar (Ed) May - Buffalo Evening News

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In New York City, for example, ADC in 1958 supported 54,000 illegitimate children.On the other side of the coin the question is often put this way: What do you propose to do? Let these children starve because of the mistakes of their parents?

Description:In the sixth installment of his "Costly Dilemma" series, Ed May writes about the ballooning cost of welfare's "aid to dependent children" program.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

Buffalo Evening News article titled, "Storm Center of Relief: Dependent Children's Aid." Written by Ed May as part of the "Our Costly Dilemma" series.