XIV--"Our Costly Dilemma" - Ed [Edgar] May - Buffalo Evening News

Some Ways to Lighten The Burdens of Welfare

Byline: Ed May; 1960-06-22; Buffalo Evening News; 

Report: "Our Costly Dilemma" - Edgar (Ed) May - Buffalo Evening News

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Spend money to save money? In isolated experiments across the nation, the question has been answered. By spending welfare tax dollars you ultimately save them. For Erie County, saddled with a near $30,000,000 annual relief bill, many answers are available.

Description:In the final installment of "Our Costly Dilemma," a series about New York State's welfare program, reporter Ed May offers suggestions on how to increase the program's efficiency.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

Buffalo Evening News article titled, "Some Ways to Lighten The Burdens of Welfare." Written by Ed May as part of the "Our Costly Dilemma" series.