III-"Migrants Live Horror Story in Job Travel" - Dale Wright - New York Telegram and Sun

Byline: Dale Wright; 1961-10-12; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 1, 3

Report: "The Forgotten People" - Dale Wright - New York World Telegram & Sun

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The transportation of migrant workers within a state such as Florida is a horror story. I was in Florida last spring riding with and working with the thousands of migrant laborers who follow the harvest of crops for their miserable livelihood.  Travel, for a migrant and his family, is a nightmare anywhere.  In Florida, and other states which don't regulate migrant transportation, it's worse. 

Description:The third in a series of articles based on the six months that Dale Wright posed as a migrant worker on the Atlantic Seaboard. Here, he focuses on the conditions in which workers are transported in the state of Florida and nationally.

Rights: "The Forgotten People..A Report on Migrant Labor" by Dale Wright. Reprinted with the permission of the Estate of Dale Wright, c/o K.E. Wright-King ©1961, New York World-Telegram and Sun.

Additional Media

New York World Telegram and Sun article titled, "Migrants Live Horror Story in Job Travel." Written by Dale Wright as part of the Forgotten People series.