V-Private Ambulance Investigation: "Ex-State Official Inflates Costs for Ambulances' Welfare Clients" - William Jones - Chicago Tribune

Byline: William Jones; 1970-06-11; The Chicago Tribune; pages 1-2

Report: Private Ambulance Firms Exposé - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"Two years ago the director of all welfare payments for the state of Illinois decided "welfare business is good business."  He was so convinced that there was a profit to be reaped from the state's multimillion dollar public aid budget that he quit his post in Springfield, formed a company named Welfare Billing service, and began advertising among Chicago area ambulance operators, doctors, and medical clinics. . . "

Description:The fifth article in the Tribune's series on private Chicago ambulance firms. This piece covers the firms' inflated welfare fees. A companion story in this issue reports on the three firms that were banned from transporting the poor as a result of this series.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled, "Ex-State Official Inflates Costs for Ambulances' Welfare Clients." Written by  William Jones as part of the Private Ambulance Investigation.