Reaction: Private Ambulance Investigation: "Investigators Find Three Linked To Mob Control Ambulance Firm" - William Jones - Chicago Tribune

"The United States attorney's office disclosed yesterday that crime syndicate financial wizards now control all of the stock of the Scully-Walton Ambulance company, 15 N. Laramie av.  The company was a key target of the two-month investigation by the Tribune and Better Government association which disclosed police pay-offs and sadistic treatment of the ill and injured by private ambulance crews.  A Tribune reporter and a B. G. A. investigator worked undercover as ambulance attendants to doument the abuses. . ."

Description:A federal investigation finds that one of the targets of the Tribune undercover report on private ambulance firms is owned by the mob.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled, "Investigators Find Three Linked To Mob Control Ambulance Firm." Written by William Jones as part of the reaction to the Private Ambulance Investigation.