Byline: Athelia Knight; 1984-03-05; The Washington Post; pages A1 & A8
Report: "The Avenue to Lorton" - Athelia Knight - Washington Post
Tags: Jail, jails, posed as, prison, prison bus, prisoners, visitors
Tony's camper reeked with the smoke and aroma of marijuana as it rolled up the hill toward the prison, carrying 25 women on their way to visit the men of Lorton. The trip from The Avenue in downtown Washington had taken about a half-hour on this evening of Nov. 22. It was enough time for some of the passengers to smoke a joint or two, and for one rider who wore her hair in tiny braids held by silver beads, to roll a dozen marijuana cigarettes. I had watched her during the trip as she wrapped her dope - she called it "diamond" - in small sheets of paper, licked the ends shut, and placed the cigarettes in her breast pocket.
Description:The second in the series of articles on drug smuggling into Lorton Reformatory.
Rights: Washington Post