II-"ACORN Exposed" - Project Veritas - James O'Keefe

Byline: James O'Keefe, Hannah Giles; 2009-09-10; The Project Veritas; 

Report: ACORN Investigation - James O'Keefe, Hannah Giles - Project Veritas

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On September 10, 2009, James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles released their explosive video on Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), a community-organizing group better known for their embezzlement controversies and scandals of voter registration fraud.   During the summer of 2009, O’Keefe and Giles visited eight ACORN offices as a pimp and prostitute, seeking advice getting a home loan to run a brothel. What the pair found next was shocking, ACORN employees repeatedly gave the couple guidance on tax evasion, child prostitution and human smuggling.