"Can Trickery by Reporters Be Right?" - Edward Wasserman - Syndicated

Byline: Edward Wasserman; 2007-07-09; Miami Herald; 

Report: Undercover Journalism Debated

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"In a cover story this month, Harper's Magazine Washington editor Ken Silverstein described his undercover foray into hiring two top-tier D.C. lobbying firms to represent Turkmenistan, an energy-rich former Soviet republic known for gross human rights violations and anti-democratic lunacies. Silverstein was in no position to hire the firms, of course. That was a ruse. Under an assumed name he posed as an emissary from a shadowy London middleman. He created phony business cards, a British cell phone number and an e-mail address."

Description:Wasserman's column defending Ken Silverstein's undercover reporting on D.C. lobbyists.

Rights: Access to online material