III-"To Catch a Predator" - Chris Hansen - NBC Dateline

Dateline's ongoing hidden camera investigation into computer sex predators--grown men, trolling the Web for sex with minors. This time, police are making arrests

Byline: Chris Hansen; 2006-02-03; Dateline NBC; 

Report: "To Catch A Predator" - Chris Hansen - NBC Dateline

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SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA — A month ago, Dateline launched its third investigation into a growing national epidemic—grown men trolling the Internet, many looking for sex with children. This time, to expose them, we set up multiple hidden cameras in a house in Southern California. A decoy coaxes the men in, but instead of finding a 12- or 13-year-old home alone, the men looking for sex will meet me. Here’s an example of the kind of confrontation we’re in for: A 37-year-old, Kurt Lemke, a truck driver, calls himself “haloballfan” online. He thinks he’s here to meet a 13-year-old boy named Dave, but we really send him a decoy photo. During his chat, he makes plans to give the boy oral sex.

Description:The third "To Catch A Predator" style investigation. This is the first instance of police involvement

Rights: Access to online material.

Additional Media

NBC Dateline article/transcript titled, "To Catch a Predator." Worked on by Chris Hansen.