XVI-"To Catch a Predator: The scariest potential predator" - Chris Hansen - NBC Dateline

Part 2 of the Flagler Beach, Fla. investigation: A police officer from another town arrives with a gun in his pocket and an arsenal in his car

FLAGLER BEACH, FLA. — Who wouldn’t want to visit Flagler Beach? This small, idyllic spit of land on Florida’s east coast attracts thousands of visitors every year. But some of the visitors you’ll meet   aren’t just coming for the sun, sand, and surf. Flagler Beach it seems, is a town ready to take on  potential sex predators. Officer Kevin Pineda explains the kind of complaints his department has been hearing. Officer Kevin Pineda: Older gentleman going to our beach—that much isn’t a crime, they’re just staring at people.  But when they start making advances towards the young generation in our city, it causes concern.  Having seen Dateline’s investigations, Pineda decided to conduct his own experiment.  He  set up his own decoy profile online in local chat rooms, posing as a 14-year-old girl named “Jenna,” screen name “flaglerbeauty14f.” Officer Pineda: Within about 5 to 10 minutes the screen was just cluttered with instant messages, you know, emails.  It was just unbelievable. Over  just two days, Pineda received messages from more than a hundred people, mostly older men and their intent was unmistakable. One guy sent an image of his penis, and his wife performing oral sex on him.

Description:Part two of the Florida hidden camera series

Rights: Access to online material.