"Ethics of NBC's Sting Show 'To Catch a Predator'" - Neal Conan - Talk of the Nation NPR

Byline: Neal Conan; 2007-01-16; Talk of the Nation; 

Report: Undercover Journalism Debated

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The online watchdog group Perverted Justice lures sexual predators by posing as minors online and inviting them to meet up in person. And Dateline NBC's wildly popular "To Catch a Predator" series has captured audiences nationwide with a mix of fear and voyeurism. Guests: Douglas McCollam, attorney and contributing writer for Columbia Journalism Review Chris Hansen, host of NBC Dateline series "To Catch a Predator" Richard Rapaport, San Francisco-based freelance writer, author of "Dying and living in 'COPS' America" a critique of "To Catch a Predator." Xavier von Erck, founder of pervertedjustice.com

Description:Talk of the Nation examines the ethics of To Catch A Predator, including the payment of sources and decoys, and the collaboration with Perverted Justice, a watchdog group.

Rights: Access to online material.