IX-" Ex-G-Man Hears Bund Edict on Kenosha March" - James J. Metcalfe and John C. Metcalfe - Chicago Daily Times

Byline: James J. Metcalfe, John C. Metcalfe; 1937-09-20; Chicago Daily Times; pages 14-15

Report: Home-Grown Nazis- John C. Metcalfe and James J. Metcalfe - Chicago Daily Times

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Fritz Matthes, drillmaster of the Deutscher Volksbund, tells me not to attempt to retaliate if the CIO or "the communists" start trouble when we parade at Kenosha, Wis., on German day.  "I'll issue the commands if the situation requires action," he warns.  This warning comes six days before the Kenosha celebration after a drill night at the Bundscheim.  At this meeting and at the business meeting of the Amerikadeutscher Bund two days later, a dozen members asks for copies of the pictures I took at Hindenberg camp the previous Sunday.  Members at amused at the stories of the Hindenburg camp celebration in the Milwaukee Sentinel headed "Fail to Heil Hitler."  

Description:Two series of stories from undercover investigations into American nazi groups in the lead-up to World War II.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Photo of Nazi storm troops and bund members giving a Hitler salute.

Additional Media

Chicago Daily Times article titled, "Ex-G-Man Hears Bund Edict on Kenosha March." Written by James J. Metcalfe and John C. Metcalfe as part of their series on the American Nazis.