IX-"The fading of Felix Mendoza's dream" - Merle Linda Wolin - Los Angeles Herald-Examiner

Byline: Merle Linda Wolin; 1981-01-23; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner; pages A1, A8

Report: "Sweatshop" - Merle Linda Wolin - Los Angeles Herald-Examiner

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Felix Mendoza is the first to admit that he should go out of business. No excuses. No bitterness. He says there is hardly a chance to make a go of it as a garment contractor in Los Angeles.  You remember Mendoza. He was the slightly built man who thought I was another poor illegal and gave me a job in his small and dank sewing factory near Central Los Angeles.  His shop was filthy, nightmarish.  And for a full week's work, I earned a pitiful $38.74

Description:Wolin returns to the first factory she visited undercover as an illegal garment worker in Los Angeles, and interviews its owner

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Image from Los Angeles Herald-Examiner article titled,"The fading of Felix Mendoza's dream" Written by Merle Linda Wolin as part of her series.

Additional Media

Los Angeles Herald-Examiner article titled,"The fading of Felix Mendoza's dream" Written by Merle Linda Wolin as part of her series.