XI-"It’s Another Mike Wallace Trick!" - Merle Linda Wolin - Los Angeles Herald-Examiner

Byline: Merle Linda Wolin; 1981-01-26; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner; pages A8

Report: "Sweatshop" - Merle Linda Wolin - Los Angeles Herald-Examiner

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If Linwood Melton was a good example of a manufacturer insinuated from the exploitation of the industry, Norman Blomberg, the president of Sauci Inc., an $8 million budget-blouse company, was someone who seemed to know the story. "So it's a horrifying business. What's new?" Blomberg said when I told him the conditions under which I worked on his rose-and-cream-colored short-sleeved blouse at Felix Mendoza's shop. He seemed sure of himself, a man with arough exterior.

Description:Wolin confronts another owner of a manufacturing plant, after working undercover in the LA garment industry as an undocumented worker.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Image of Norman Blomberg from Merle Linda Wolin's article titled, "It’s Another Mike Wallace Trick!"

Additional Media

Los Angeles Herald-Examiner article titled, "It’s Another Mike Wallace Trick!" Written by Merle Linda Wolin as part of her series.