"Some Ways to Kill The Slave Market" - Marvel Cooke - New York Compass

Last in Marvel Cooke's five-part series for The New York Compass on the Bronx slave mart.

"So the Slave Market is back. "And it is back to stay unless something is done to kill it off quickly. "A lot of people, aroused by its rebirth in The Bronx, Brighton Beach, Brownsville and elsewhere, are already fighting to beat back its advance. They want no return of conditions that existed during hte last depression when wages were driven down to 25 cents an hour."

Description:Some ideas from the Domestic Workers Union for suppressing the resurgence of the "slave markets" of the Bronx, Brighton Beach, Brownsville and elsewhere -- street corners where women domestic workers had again begun gathering in 1950 to see day labor because full-time jobs had become difficult to find.

Rights: public domain

Additional Media

Image of journalist Marvel Cooke.

Additional Media

New York Compass article titled, "Some Ways to Kill The Slave Market." Written by Marvel Cooke in 1950.