"My Kind of Journalism" - Anas Arameyaw Anas - Al Jazeera

A Ghanaian journalist explains his resolve to name, shame and jail gold scammers, whatever the cost to his safety.

Byline: Anas Arameyaw Anas; 2011-11-10; Al Jazeera; 

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"While good men till the soil day and night for the development of their nation state, some evil men spend their time engaged in activities that are aimed at retrogressing the hard-won fortunes of the state. Working to separate the evil from the good is my kind of journalism."

Description:Anas Arameyaw Anas, Ghana's most famous undercover journalists, enlightens his audience as to his motivation to continue to do the reporting he does and why he is not satisfied with merely naming culprits.

Rights: Access to online material.