"65 Cents an Hour - A Special Report" - Jane H. Lii - New York Times

"Week in Sweatshop Reveals Grim Conspiracy of the Poor"

Byline: Jane H. Lii; 1995-03-12; The New York Times; pages p1

Report: Other People's Work: Factories

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"The steel doors opened into a dim, dusty warehouse. Red and blue rags covered the four windows, shutting out all natural light. Bundles of cut cloth sat piled in haphazard mounds, some stacked taller than a worker. Under fluorescent lights swinging from chains, rows of middle-aged Chinese women hunched over sewing machines, squinting and silent. . . . "

Description:Lii spends a week as a Chinatown sweatshop worker.

Rights: Restricted access to online material.