Byline: Chester Goolrick, Paul Lieberman, (Lee May); 1979-12-02; Atlanta Constitution; pages 1A
Report: "The Underpaid and Under-Protected" - Chester Goolrick and Paul Lieberman - Atlanta Constitution
Tags: georgia, low wage-earners, turpentine woods, underpaid, worked as
"The money paid in turpentining is not much when matched against contemporary pay standards, even the minimum wage. Turpentining is one of America's oldest industries—started soon after colonization, then flourishing in the woods of the Southeast under slavery—and, to a remarkable degree, the industry has resisted both mechanization and social change. . . . "
Description:The second part in Goolrick and Lieberman's series discusses the endless debts and lack of options of turpentiners.
Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.