IV-"The Black Dispatch" - Neil Henry - Washington Post

"A Wretched Reality of Life in the Fields"

Byline: Neil Henry; 1983-10-12; The Washington Post; pages A1

Report: "The Black Dispatch" - Neil Henry - Washington Post

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"Three days away from Washington, my values changed. The most important items I owned were now a red plastic bucket to collect tomatoes, a Syrofoam cup to drink camp wter that tasted of rust and a plastic fork to consume an evening allotment of okra, grits, pig ears, tails or knuckles."My skin was raw from sunburn and I began to reek of sweat. I had no change of clothes and the only shirt I owned had been stolen, leaving me with one pair of tennis shoes, a pair of socks, blue jeans and a V-neck T-shirt, all of which were turning the reddish-brown color of North Carolina soil . . ."