"Nellie Bly's Doctors: Seven Well-Known Physicians Disagree About Her Case" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"Dyspepsia" Says Dr. Francis Delafield, of No. 12 West 32d Street; "Malaria" Says Dr. Meyer: "All Stomach Trouble," Says Dr. McNutt; "Shattered Nerves," "Defective Eyes" "Neralgia" &c.; And the Doctors Were All Given the Same and Absolutely Truthful Symptoms; An Extraodinary Variety of Prescriptions Written by These Seven Reputable New York Physicians; The Adage that DOctors Disagree Illustrated in a Somewhat Startling Way; What Can Medical Science Say to This? An Article of Peculiar Interest to Everybody

"I am ill."According to the decision of seven reputable New York physicians I am suffering from seven different complaints. Still I manage to keep up . . . "

Description:Bly visits a number of physicians, describes the same symptoms to each and gets a different diagnosis and prescription for treatment in each case.

Rights: public domain

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Bly visits a number of physicians, describes the same symptoms to each and gets a different diagnosis and prescription for treatment in each case.

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Bly visits a number of physicians, describes the same symptoms to each and gets a different diagnosis and prescription for treatment in each case.