I-"Prison Guard" - William Recktenwald - Evening Independent

Three Months After The Riot, Pontiac Prison is Still a Living Hell For Everyone In It...

Byline: WIlliam Recktenwald; 1978-11-14; The Evening IndependentThe Chicago Tribune; pages 6A

Report: Pontiac Prison Investigation - William Recktenwald - Chicago Tribune

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". . .The cellblock was filled with trash, excrement and spoiled food, all of it soaked with water that collected in puddles.  The air reeked of tear gas. Mace and smoke. A pile of bedding was on fire, and all the windows were closed. Men in the cells began screaming and clanging on the bars.This may sound like a description of the Pontiac state prison at the height of the riot there last July, when three guards were killed and three others seriously injured. And so it might have been in July. But this was Pontiac on October 11, almost three months after the riot; it was the scene as I entered the segregation cellblock to begin my first day as a prison guard. . ."

Description:The Evening Independent published three articles based on or from Recktenwald's undercover series from the Tribune on Pontiac Prison. This is the first of three.

Rights: Access to online material.

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The Evening Independent published three articles based on or from Recktenwald's undercover series from the Tribune on Pontiac Prison. This is the first of three.