Promotional Piece I-"The Crowning Achievement of the Appeal" - "The Jungle: A Story of Chicago" - Upton Sinclair - Appeal to Reason

Byline: to Unsigned; 1905-02-04; Appeal to Reason; pages 5

Report: "The Jungle: A Story of Chicago" - Upton Sinclair - Appeal to Reason

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"It will be the most powerful story ever written. It will be the Uncle Tom's Cabin of the Socialist movement. It will touch the heart strings of the people as they have never been touched before."

Description:A promotional blurb for the forthcoming serial, "The Jungle: A Story of Chicago," by Upton Sinclair.

Rights: public domain

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A promotional blurb for the forthcoming serial, "The Jungle: A Story of Chicago," by Upton Sinclair.