Byline: Upton Sinclair; 1905-10-07; Appeal to Reason; pages 2
Report: "The Jungle: A Story of Chicago" - Upton Sinclair - Appeal to Reason
"A second later a policeman dashed in, and the bartender yelled once more—"Look out for his knife!" Jurgis had fought himself half to his knees, when the policeman made a leap at him, and cracked him across the face with his club. Though the blow staggered him, the wild beast frenzy still blazed in him, and he got to his feet, lunging into the air. Then again the club descended, full upon his head, and he dropped like a log to the floor."
Description:Chapter Twenty-five in Upton Sinclair's original serial for Appeal to Reason, the unexpurgated version of what became "The Jungle."
Rights: public domain