Byline: Upton Sinclair; 1905-11-04; Appeal to Reason; pages 2-6
Report: "The Jungle: A Story of Chicago" - Upton Sinclair - Appeal to Reason
"Just about this time one of the Chicago newspapers, which made a great fuss over the "common people," opened a "free-soup" kitchen for the benefit of the unemployed. Some people said that they did this for the sake of the advertising it gave them, and some others said that the motive which influenced them was a fear lest all their readers should be starved off; but whatever the motive, the soup was thick and hot, and there was a bowl for every man, all night long."
Description:Chapter Twenty-nine in Upton Sinclair's original serial for Appeal to Reason, the unexpurgated version of what became "The Jungle."
Rights: public domain