"The Lion's Share" - Marc Gunther - American Journalism Review

Rather than attacking courts for unfavorable outcomes like the one in the Food Lion case, journalists should face up to their own shortcomings and be more careful in their reporting.

Byline: Marc Gunther; 1997-03-01; American Journalism Review; 

Report: Undercover Journalism Debated

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". . .When a Greensboro, North Carolina, jury found that ABC News' 'PrimeTime Live' had broken the law in its hidden-camera investigation of the Food Lion supermarket chain, journalists, media lawyers and defenders of the First Amendment denounced the verdict. There were dire predictions about the 'chilling effect' of the jury's decision and its subsequent $5.5 million award of punitive damages. . ."

Description:Marc Gunther argues that there is a limit of what media can and can not do, using ABC's Food Lion story as the main example.

Rights: Access to online material.