I- "How Jobless, Hungry Girls Live Told by Adela Rogers St. Johns" - Adela Rogers St. Johns - Los Angeles Examiner

Famous Writer Pens Vividly Dramatic Story of Hardships, Rebuffs and Suffering Endured in Battling Wolf

". . .I didn't have a nickel. By the spirit of my compact to go as thousands of women today are going to seek work, I didn't have a friend among the million and a quarter people in the city of Los Angeles. I was starting from scratch, no money, no baggage, no friends. . ."

Description:Adela Rogers writes a series in the LA Examiner about her experience posing as an unemployed, poor and friendless girl in Los Angeles. This is the beginning of her experiences.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

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Adela Rogers writes a series in the LA Examiner about her experience posing as an unemployed, poor and friendless girl in Los Angeles. This is the beginning of her experiences.