II-"'Penniless Woman' Fed by Stranger, Sleeps in Auto" - Adela Rogers St. Johns - Los Angeles Examiner

Adela Rogers St. Johns Relates How She Spent First Night as 'Depression Victim', Tramps Street Fearing Man Would Accost Her

Byline: Adela Rogers St. Johns; 1931-12-21; Los Angeles Examiner; pages Section 2, p. 1, 12

Report: How Jobless, Hungry Girls Live - Adela Rogers St. Johns - Los Angeles Examiner

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". . .Upon my first night as a member of the army of unemployed women, I found myself broke, without baggage and wihout a room. A poor, shabby creature, moving alone among crowds, in a sort of bright, pitiless glare that is worse than any darkness. In every woman, young and old, pretty or ugly, is bred and trained a deep fear of the streets at night. Fear of insult and attack. . ."

Description:Adela Rogers writes a series in the LA Examiner about her experience posing as an unemployed, poor and friendless girl in Los Angeles. In the second part of the series, Adela writes about how she was offered a place to sleep, and her struggle searching for a job.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Adela Rogers writes a series in the LA Examiner about her experience posing as an unemployed, poor and friendless girl in Los Angeles. In the second part of the series, Adela writes about how she was offered a place to sleep, and her struggle searching for a job.