V- "Writer Forced to Charity; Meets Bar as Transient" - Adela Rogers St. Johns - Los Angeles Examiner

Refused Help by Community Chest After Long Wait, Finally Sent to Christ Faith Mission Where All Received With Equal Kindness

Byline: Adela Rogers St. Johns; 1931-12-24; Los Angeles Examiner; pages Section 2, p. 1, 14

Report: How Jobless, Hungry Girls Live - Adela Rogers St. Johns - Los Angeles Examiner

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". . .I cannot describe to you the feeling of humiliation, of actual guilt that welled up inside me as I walked through the gate of charity into that land where a woman abandons her pride, her inalienable rights and much of life's sweetness. And where of all places, she should be treated with the kindliness that her bruised spirit demands. . ."

Description:Adela Rogers writes a series in the LA Examiner about her experience posing as an unemployed, poor and friendless girl in Los Angeles. In this first-hand recount, Adela describes her time spent within charitable agencies and institutions.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

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Adela Rogers writes a series in the LA Examiner about her experience posing as an unemployed, poor and friendless girl in Los Angeles. In this first-hand recount, Adela describes her time spent within charitable agencies and institutions.