"Irresponsible Journalists are Jeopardizing Serious Investigations by the Press" - Christopher H. Pyle - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Byline: Christopher H. Pyle; 2000-01-07; The Chronicle of Higher Education; pages B9, B10

Report: Undercover Journalism Debated

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"In this century, there have been two great eras in American investigative journalism. The first, in the early 1900's, was led by muckraking journalists Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair. Tarbell's massive history in the Standard Oil Company helped break up that monopoly. Sinclair's 'The Jungle,' which exposed unsanitary conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry, led to the Pure Food and Drug Act. . ."

Description:Pyle believes that the negative methods being used in journalism are ruining the press.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission from author.

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Pyle believes that the negative methods being used in journalism are ruining the press.