"The Uncharted: From Off the Bus to Meet the Press" - Jay Rosen - The Huffington Post

Byline: Jay Rosen; 2008-04-14; Huffington Post; 

Report: Undercover Journalism Debated

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". . .Citizen journalism isn't a hypothetical in this campaign. It's not a beach ball for newsroom curmudgeons, either. It's Mayhill Fowler, who had been in Pennsylvania with Obama, listening to the candidate talk about Pennsylvanians to supporters in San Francisco, and hearing something that didn't sound right to her. (See Katharine Seelye's account in the New York Times.) . . ."

Description:Jay Rosen discusses the reactions after "Obama: No Surprise that Hard Pressed Pennsylvanians Turn Bitter" was published by Mayhill Fowler on his blog, OffTheBus.com.

Rights: Access to online material.

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Jay Rosen discusses the reactions after "Obama: No Surprise that Hard Pressed Pennsylvanians Turn Bitter" was published by Mayhill Fowler on his blog, OffTheBus.com.