"Child Labor in the Carolinas" - A.J. McKelway - Charities and the Commons

Some human documents resulting from the investigations made in the cotton mills of North and South Carolina

Byline: A. J. McKelway; 1909-01-30; Charities and the Commons; 

Report: Photographers John L. Spivak and Lewis Hine

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"Lewis Hine, well-known to readers of this magazine by his photographs of social conditions in New York city and elsewhere, was sent by the National Child Labor Committee to investigate conditions in North and South Carolina and record the results with his camera. In November, 1908, he went to Charlotte, N.C., the center of the cotton mill region of the south. Over fifty percent of the cotton spindles and looms of the south are within one hundred miles of Charlotte. Mr. Hine visited nineteen and investigated seventeen mills, taking 230 photographs. . ."

Description:A.J. McKelway uses Lewis Hine's photographs to explain the child labor conditions in the Carolinas.

Rights: Public domain.

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A.J. McKelway uses Lewis Hine's photographs to explain the child labor conditions in the Carolinas.