Byline: Scott Keeler; 1978-07-24; People Magazine; pages 20-25
Report: Deep Encounters with Religious Groups
Tags: Moonies, religious cult, Scott Keeler, sect, teenager
Article LinksDescription:Editor's precede: "Growing up in the San Francisco Bay area, Scott Keeler, 18, knew what every other teenager knew. As one of his classmates put it, 'There's this place you can go if you're fighting with your parents. They'll take care of you.' But unlike most of the others, Keeler also knew that the 'place,' Creative Community Project, was owned and run by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. As student body president at Alameda, Calif. High School and reporter for his school paper, Oak Leaf, Keeler decided last spring to go underground and investigate the Moonies. Using the alias Dirk Schwerte, he quickly discovered that Moonie recruiters were on the lookout for unattached teenagers. 'All anyone has to do,' he says, 'is put on his backpack and walk down to Fisherman's Wharf.' Though no mention was made of Reverend Moon or his church, Keeler was invited to the Moonies' San Francisco headquarters. Here is his account of his bizarre experiences."
Rights: copyright, People Magazine