Reaction- "Legislators Explore Mental Hospital Probe" - John Petterson - WIchita Eagle and Wichita Beacon

Byline: John Patterson; 1974-02-03; Wichita Eagle and Wichita Beacon; 

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"'Questionable areas' at Larned State Hospital, detailed in a Wichita Eagle series, should be investigated, Rep. Charles F. Laird, D-Topeka, said. Laird said Friday he plans to explore the possibility of calling for a legislative investigation of conditions at the state mental hospital. . ."

Description:John Petterson, of Our Topeka Bureau, discusses how Betty Wells' series, Trip Into Darkness, has caused a need for investigation in the Lard State Hospital.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

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John Petterson, of Our Topeka Bureau, discusses how Betty Wells' series, Trip Into Darkness, has caused a need for investigation in the Lard State Hospital.