"The Many Faces of Grace Halsell" - William Gildea - The Washington Post

Byline: William Gildea; 1976-08-30; The Washington Post; pages B1


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"Grace Halsell doesn't look tough enough to have done what she has done. She is 52 years old, single, seemingly demure, almost frail. She speaks softly and responds with a "my goodness" to a question she considers embarrassing. She looks as though she might be content puttering in her Northwest apartment, venturing occasionally to the Safeway or Garfinckel's."

Description:William Gildea explains Grace Halsell's life and experiences going undercover to discover the many different ways of life.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

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William Gildea explains Grace Halsell's life and experiences going undercover to discover the many different ways of life.