Byline: C. J. Chivers; 2002-09-01; Esquire; pages 144
Report: September 11, 2001 and Its Aftermath
Tags: 9-11, garbage, September 11, volunteered as, World Trade Center
Article Links" . . . Garbage was the job no one wanted, and so there was little chance of anyone taking it away. I found the cart and began to push it through the lobby, pickup up the loose trash as I made my way. "Immediately, I belonged. Every few yards someone would stop me - Hey, can you stop by our truck? We've got some nasty shit over there. hey buddy, hold up, let me dump this - and the police waved me from place to place . . . "
Description:In the aftermath of the 9-11 attack in New York, C.J. Chivers found a way to remain on site at the chasm that was the World Trade Center for 12 more days -- by finding a cart and hauling garbage, a job no one wanted to do.
Rights: Access to online material.